The casino is one of the best ways to earn real money. In general, the casino has two faces one is a fun experience and another one is real money.

When one is playing for time pass it never going to be the big deal but when it is played for real money it surely going to be the serious one.

There are several online casinos from which you can win the casino amount but you should be very careful while selecting the casino.

At the same time, you should know about the income tax on gambling winnings in India. It is a very important factor to be considered around some percentage of money should be paid as a tax from your casino winning amount.

tax on casino winnings

Tax laws on casino winnings:

There are tax laws regarding the online casino in India and when you are establishing or playing the casino you should be aware of those laws and strictly should follow it.

Tax is not only for the casino winnings the taxes are applicable also for the game show winnings, lottery and much more. The taxes on casino winnings are therein throughout the world. The actual percentage of taxes on the casino winnings varies from year to year.

The tax laws levy a tax rate around 30% over any winnings from the casinos, lotteries, puzzle, races, card games and more. When you have to get your payment you should pay your taxes to the government.

The players of casino are supposed to report their casino winnings to the government; failure in reporting leads you to face prosecution from the proper authorities.

If suppose the player does not intimate into government wholly responsible not the casino operators. Money won in casino taxable in India so it is better to have an idea about it previously to avoid future arising legal issues.


The Indian government has brought the tax that is GST on overall uniform goods and the service taxes, these policies are applied to both state and federal government levels.

This tax also includes the lottery, betting and gambling winnings. The GST taxes get varies based on the source and the casino and betting operators get the GST taxes at the highest level of around 28%.

Final verdicts:

When you are a gambler then it is very essential to have knowledge over the tax on casino winnings India and also what are the issues that you will face if you failed to report your winnings.